That double chin has been plaguing you for years, and after trying diet, exercise, and maybe even some gimmicks you’d rather not admit, it continues to linger. Fortunately, in early 2015, Kybella earned its FDA approval to address exactly this concern. Of course, you may have heard about the injectable treatment by now if you are one of the many affected by submental fullness.
While the prospect of a treatment that actually works may seem too good to be true, Kybella is giving patients everywhere incredible results they never thought so easily possible. Nonetheless, any treatment comes with concerns, particularly when a substance must be injected to achieve results. Allow us to ease your fears. Here are some of your most common Kybella concerns addressed.
Kybella is Expensive
“Kybella is, in fact, the most cost effective treatment available for submental fullness that is also capable of delivering such dramatic results,” shares Dr. Chad Prather, board-certified dermatologist at Sanova Dermatology in Louisiana. Total cost will depend on the number of treatments needed, so naturally, more severe cases will result in a greater level of investment. However, patients may also want to consider the amount spent thus-far on treatments that have proven unsuccessful, as well as the cost behind more dramatic methods such as surgery.
Kybella is Painful
If we’re being honest, a lot of us have never outgrown a fear of needles. Injectables can be frightening, particularly if it is a type that you have never experienced before. “While we can’t guarantee how uncomfortable you may find your treatment to be, Kybella injections are no more painful than a typical shot, offering only a mild and temporary pinch,” Dr. Prather explains. Numbing agents may be used beforehand to keep even this slight bit of discomfort at bay.
Kybella Requires Several Treatments
Again, this depends entirely on the amount of fullness being treated. Some patients will need more treatments than others in order to achieve the results they want. “In many cases, two treatments are sufficient, while others may require up to six,” states Dr. Prather. In any case, the procedure is simple and brief with each session lasting about 20 minutes.
Kybella Results Won’t Last
Unlike facial fillers or relaxers that need occasional touch-ups in order to maintain results, Kybella offers a permanent change. Fat is not just temporarily hidden, it is dissolved, and as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained, subsequent treatments should not be required.
“While it may sound too good to be true, Kybella offers real, noticeable, and permanent reduction in submental fullness,” assures Dr. Prather. Imagine the possibility of losing the double chin once and for all.
Contact Us
Interested to find out if you are a candidate for Kybella? Contact us today to schedule your consultation!