If you’ve been feeling stir crazy sitting at home and stressing about the state of the world and COVID-19, you are not alone! As crazy as times are right now, most people have more free time than they have ever had before. If you’ve been looking for a way...
Everyone has had a few acne breakouts throughout their lifetime. However, in more severe cases acne can become chronic and cause bigger issues for an individual. Sometimes over-the-counter medications and face washes just don’t cut it. “Acne can be...
For sufferers of severe acne, relief often proves elusive. They try topical treatments, oral treatments, and follow a regulated diet, but nothing seems to clear their embarrassing and painful acne. “One common treatment option for sufferers of severe acne is a...
Birthmarks are a common occurrence. Most commonly, a concentration of extra pigment or blood vessels causes a noticeable mark on a newborn’s skin. “There are many ways these marks can present, including moles, port wine stains and hemangiomas, as well as...
Hand eczema, sometimes referred to as hand dermatitis or dishpan hands, affects approximately 10 percent of the population. The condition is most common among those who are in frequent contact with chemicals or irritants, such as janitors, mechanics, hairdressers, and...
Stick, spray, or roll-on. The purpose of antiperspirants is to help reduce sweating. “It is by far one of he most common personal care products we all use,” says Dr Miriam Hanson, board certified dermatologist in Austin, Texas. “It’s really a...