If you suffer from unsightly and painful varicose veins, then you’re probably wondering what type of treatment options you have. Something to consider is Asclera (Polidocanol). Asclera is a prescription medicine that is injected into your veins via a procedure...
Shorts might not be what many Texans think about wearing in the middle of the holiday season, but it might be the best time to start thinking about getting your legs ready for summer. “Many people have reservations about showing their legs because of visible and...
Although most of the Winter holidays have passed, there is still plenty of Winter time and weather to take advantage of! This makes it a great time to finally act on those urges to partake in aesthetic procedures to benefit, improve and rejuvenate your skin. So…...
If you start to notice your skin beginning to flake and crack, it may be time to make an action plan to keep your skin in the best condition you can during these chilly times! We want to share a few of the tips that will keep your skin in the best possible shape this...
How is Asclera used for the treatment of Spider Veins on the Legs? Spider veins are dilated broken blood vessels that most typically appear on the lower legs over time. There are a number of reasons why spider veins develop, and thankfully, a number of treatments...