To this day, BOTOX® is the most common cosmetic aesthetic procedure performed in the U.S. Unsurprisingly, dermal fillers, such as Juvederm® or Restylane®, are a close second. Why? Both of these treatments are non-surgical, cause a minimum of pain, and require...
There is a common misconception that cosmetic dermatology is reserved just for women, but this is simply not the case at all. In fact, statistics taken from both The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and The American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that...
That double chin has been plaguing you for years, and after trying diet, exercise, and maybe even some gimmicks you’d rather not admit, it continues to linger. Fortunately, in early 2015, Kybella earned its FDA approval to address exactly this concern. Of course, you...
With each new year comes a tidal wave of new information about medical dermatology and cosmetic skin treatment. Throughout the year, Sanova Dermatology has shared the latest and greatest trends and procedures. Here are the top blogs from 2016 that YOU found to be...
A common problem for many men and women as they age is the dreaded ‘turkey neck’, or loose, sagging skin under the chin and jawline. “Turkey neck can be caused by a number of factors, including aging, weight change, but most commonly is attributed to...
It’s a fact! Cosmetic procedures are more popular than ever and more and more patients are seeking different approaches to rejuvenate their skin and body. “Cosmetics used to be for the Hollywood elite,” says Dr. Miriam Hanson, dermatologist and...