Blueberries are an ingenious way to offer yourself a healthy dose of antioxidants. Antioxidants give you many skin and health benefits, which is easy to obtain from a delectable blueberry.
Antioxidant Breakdown
- Nutrients – One of the most important benefits from antioxidants is the ability for it to give your skin a plethora of vitamins. “These vitamins can offer your skin a variety of positive effects from more vibrant color, to anti-aging assistance,” notes Dr. Miriam Hanson, a board certified Dermatologist, in Austin, Texas. These nutrients are great for the correction of damage, as well as the prevention.
- Free Radical Defense – You’ve probably heard a reference about free radicals, and sort of nodded your head in agreement without fully understand what it truly means. “Free radicals are unstable molecules that attempt to even out their molecular structure by grabbing onto other cells in your skin,” explains Dr. Hanson. “In doing this, it disrupts these cells and causes breakouts, among other damaging effects,” she continues. Antioxidants have the power to reduce, and event prevent, this disruptive process and keep your skin protected.
- Protection from the Sun – Antioxidants also offer your skin the much needed protection from the sun. “It doesn’t reduce the need for sunscreen, but the benefits from antioxidants can help your skin heal from and reduce the effect of further sun damage,” says Dr. Hanson.
Now that you are more aware of the phenomenal effects of Antioxidants on the skin, here are a few hand-selected recipes that incorporate the Antioxidant-rich blueberry!
Blueberry Lemonade
- 1.5 cups Fresh Blueberries
- 12 oz Can Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup Simple Syrup
- 1 cup of Water + 1/2 cup Sugar
- Heat to a boil and it has thickened
- 1 cup of Water + 1/2 cup Sugar
- Puree Blueberries in Food Processor
- Add Lemonade Concentrate, Pureed Blueberries, Simple Syrup, and water
- Use strainer to remove Blueberry Pulp (if desired)
- Serve over ice!
Adapted from a Recipe @ MenuMusings
Blueberry Jam
- Pint of Fresh Blueberries
- 1/4 cup Honey
- 2 tsp Lemon Juice
- Wash Blueberries, then crush with fork
- Heat Blueberries, Honey, & Lemon Juice in medium sized pot until thickened
- Jar if preferable!
Recipe found @
Fluffy Blueberry Pancakes
2 cups Flour
- 2 tbsp White Vinegar
- 2 cups Whole Milk + 1.25 tsps
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
- 2 1/2 tbsp Butter
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 4 tbsp Sugar
- 1 tsp Cinnamon
- 2 large Egg Yolks
- 3 large Egg Whites
- 1 pint Fresh Blueberries
- Put the vinegar in a large, liquid measuring cup. Add the cold milk and let rest until it reaches room temperature. Melt the butter in the microwave and let it rest until it reaches room temperature.
- Sift together the dry ingredients through a fine, mesh sieve. Repeat the process twice more into a large glass or ceramic mixing bowl. Avoid a metal mixing bowl! Pour the milk and vinegar mixture over the dry ingredients slowly while whisking. Stop adding milk when the mixture resembles a natural yogurt.
- While whisking, slowly add the melted butter until well combined. Keep whisking and add the two egg yolks one at a time until combined. Add the vanilla extract and whisk until combined, then stop. Let the mixture rest for 5 to 6 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 350F. While the mixture is resting, vigorously whisk the egg whites until fluffy and they begin to form medium peaks. Gently fold the egg whites into the batter using a wooden spoon or a plastic spatula, again avoiding metal so you don’t interfere with the egg whites.
- Add desired amount of Fresh Blueberries (We love MANY!)
- Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in an oven-safe skillet over medium heat. Swirl to coat the sides. Pour 1/2 cup of batter into the pan and cook on the stove for one minute, then transfer the pan to the oven and bake for 3 minutes. Flip the pancake and place back into the oven for two or three more minutes until cooked through. Transfer the pancake to a serving platter, add more butter as necessary, and repeat with the remaining batter.
Adapted from a Recipe @
Blueberry Smoothie
- 1 cup Fresh Blueberries
- 1/4 cup Vanilla Yogurt
- 1 cup Baby Spinach
- 1 whole Orange, peeled
- 1 tablespoon Chia Seeds
- 1 cup Ice
- Place blueberries, yogurt, spinach, orange and chia seeds in a blender.
- Pulse until smooth.
- Add ice.
- Pulse again until smooth.
- Enjoy
Recipe found @
Blueberry Oatmeal Mask
- 1/3 cup Fresh Blueberries
- 2 tbsp Olive Oil
- 1-2 tbsp Honey
- 2 tbsp Oatmeal
- Use Food Processor to combine ingredients
- Apply to face
- Remove after 15-20 minutes
Adapted from a Recipe @
We hope that you have the chance to test out some of these delicious antioxidant-full recipes! Share pictures of your Blueberry Bash on our twitter @DrMiriamHanson! We can’t wait to hear what you think!
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