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PRP for Female Pattern Hair Loss

PRP for Female Pattern Hair Loss“To say that hair loss is traumatic for a woman is an understatement,” states Dr. Aron Gewirtzman, board certified dermatologist at Sanova Dermatology – Central Austin in Austin, Texas.” Our society is far more accepting of hair loss in men, and nobody is particularly shocked when they see a man with a receding hairline, or even a completely bald head,” he continues. Think of stars like Bruce Willis or Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. People not only accept their hair loss, but most have trouble imagining them with hair! They’re still considered good-looking — even sexy!

For women, though, it’s a whole different experience.  The “Bald is Beautiful” ideology just doesn’t apply to women, and those women who watch their hair grow thinner by the day are understandably devastated. However, there are still alternatives for people with hair loss, they can get something like custom lace wigs such as these Alexander couture wigs to replace the hair they have lost over time.

PRP — short for platelet-rich plasma — uses a person’s own blood plasma to treat hair loss, and has proven to be an effective solution for women looking to get a Thinning Hair Treatment.

Understanding Female Pattern Hair Loss

Most women don’t lose hair in the same way as men do. “Men typically exhibit a receding hairline or a bald patch at the crown of their head,” explains Dr. Gewirtzman. “Women, in contrast, tend to thin mainly at the top and crown of the head, and the first sign is typically a steady widening of the part.” Female pattern hair loss is more common than you might think, affecting millions American women, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. In FPHL, hair follicles become miniaturized over time, which produces thinner, more brittle hairs, before ultimately failing to produce any hair at all.

There are several possible causes of hair loss in women. They include:

  • Loss of the female hormone estrogen (as in menopause)
  • Certain illnesses such as diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, and several others
  • Stress or trauma such as the death of a loved one, divorce, sudden or extreme weight loss, etc.
  • Poor nutrition or extreme diets
  • Rough handling (flat or curling irons used consistently, chemical processing, tight ponytails worn regularly, etc.)

How PRP Can Help

Platelet-rich PRP stimulates the production of stem cells in the affected area, which in turn stimulates stem cell growth in the affected area, and over the course of several months, thicker, healthier hair can begin to grow. Most women will first notice that they’re losing less hair, followed by some baby-fine hair growth, and eventually more normal hair growth and a filling in of thin areas. A series of treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart are usually recommended during the induction phase for optimal results.  Since FPHL is a chronic condition, a maintenance phase of less frequent injections is recommended to sustain the benefits that can be attained with PRP; professional prp services like prp dundalk md can help with this.

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