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5 Skin Care Tips for Teens

Skincare in Austin, TXIt’s important to start healthy habits early. And when you are a teenager, taking care of your skin is especially crucial. This is a time of big hormonal changes, which can throw your skin into turmoil. Here are 5 tips for teens to help you improve your skin.

1. Drink Water

Water is really important for your skin. Especially when you are a teen, it’s important to keep your skin hydrated–which is not just limited to moisturizers. “Water is the best way to hydrate your skin from within, as it helps to flush your system of toxins that otherwise cause your skin to have problems,” explains Dr. Kellie Reed, a board certified dermatologist at Sanova Dermatology in Austin, Texas.

2. Get Good Rest

Sleep is important for your body, and even more crucial for your skin. In fact, stress is a huge factor contributing to acne. So it’s important to make sure that you are taking care of your body, and getting enough rest. The more rest you get, the more refreshed your body will feel and the less likely you are to get overly stressed out because you are too tired.

3. Wash Your Face

Washing your face is very important. “It helps to clean your skin, and by removing excess dirt, oil, and bacteria, you can help to keep your skin healthy,” shares Dr. Reed. When you are in school, you will frequently touch the surfaces of your desks, doorknobs, etc. Most likely, you will touch your face with your hands periodically throughout the day.

That’s why it’s so important to wash your face before you go to bed, as well as in the morning. But if you cannot commit to twice a day, make sure to at least wash your face before you go to bed. “This is especially crucial if you wear makeup; if you let it sit on your skin all night, it can cause you to break out and clog your pores,” Dr. Reed emphasizes.

4. Wear Sunscreen

Even though you may not think that it could happen to you, skin cancer is a very real thing. “Studies have suggested we get the majority of the sun exposure in our lifetime before the age of eighteen,” says Dr. Reed. So be kind to your skin while you are young, and wear sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen will also help to prevent early signs of aging, as well as discolorations associated with sun damage. To make life easier, wear a daily moisturizer with some SPF in it to help provide you with that much needed protection. Reapply frequently when you are planning to be in the sun for extended periods of time.

5. Find A Dermatologist

As a teenager, there is a chance you may have to deal with acne or other skin problems over time. That’s why it’s always great to have a dermatologist that you can see, even if you just need advice. “Over time, your skin may go through many changes, leading to potential problems such as being too dry, too oily, or having too much acne,” says Dr. Reed. A dermatologist can guide you in the right direction to help you and your skin stay healthy.

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Are you interested in finding out the perfect combination of skin care products for your skin type? Please contact us to set up your consultation today.

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